Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Blog Stage 2: An introduction to an article

“It’s a little embarrassing, it’s a little depressing, to be at this point in our life and we go to work and give it 110 percent and have to struggle,” said White, a state employee, in The Texas Tribune article. According to the article, state employees are hoping to get substantial increase in their salary to match the increasing cost of living and benefits contributions. But, for those seeking the increase in wages seems vacant when the governor Greg Abbott  announced a hiring freeze for state agencies and universities until the end of August to free up an estimated $200 million in the current budget. The Department of Family and Protective Services is among those exempted from it. Abbott also mentioned, “Texans know how to live within their means,” and “No less should be expected from their government,” which pretty much alarms everyone that this action gives Texans a wrench from the services they should get.
I found this article worth reading to know what is happening with the state workers like White who hopes to make her life better.

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