Monday, March 27, 2017

Blog Stage 5: Original Editorial or commentary #1

In my academic profile, I have been to the private school as well as public school. I have seen student's outcomes in private and public schools. My experience in both schools was different, and  I realized how the public school made me more responsible for achieving my goals. But I was deeply saddened after reading the article which informs about the Senate Bill 3, a legislation that would create two public programs subsidizing private school tuition and home schooling expenses.

The first program in the bill, education saving accounts, would give parents online accounts of state money to pay for a private school system. I always wanted public schools to be improved so that most of the student could be able to attend it without any hesitation. Studying in public school was my choice, but I feel sorry for the students who are forced to study in public schools as they can't afford for private school. But the Senate decision is completely opposite than I expected. I think people who can afford private school or homeschool in the first place does not need support from public money. Instead of that, our government should try to fill the gap between private and public school so that student's priority would be "education" not school. 

The second program, tax credit scholarships, allows businesses to receive credits against their insurance premium taxes if they continue to approve scholarship organization. This bill acts as a pure business competition and competition does not work when it comes to education. I have seen public schools have produced some of the most intelligent, innovative leaders in our country. It feels disgusting when I realize how the government is using our tax money. Instead, more funding should be advocated into the public school system and allocating that money equitably. 

This bill will put most of the families in a difficult situation. Instead of passing this bill, a legislature could have put some effort in a real issue such as remodeling school finance system, investing on qualified persons that can actually make a difference in teaching, and providing students a quality education. This bill is segregation process between rich and poor. We want good public education for this country to prosper. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Blog Stage four

“Bathroom Bill” has been a matter of discussion for a long time. An editorial by Alexa Ura, Committee sends Texas "bathroom bill" to full Senate, appeared in the Texas Tribune wants their readers to know about the recent bills that are in the process to be passed. Yet, another disappointing issue demonstrated by our government officials. According to the article, “the legislation would require transgender individuals to use the multi-stall bathrooms and locker rooms in schools and other government buildings that match their “biological sex,” and it would nix local anti-discrimination laws meant to allow transgender residents to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.” What a waste of time, and embarrassing issue to hear. Instead of eliminating the sexual discrimination, the government officials are encouraging everyone to participate in their discrimination decisions.

The author is making an argument about the 7-1 votes by Senate State affairs committee for the “Bathroom Bill” and provides embedded link as an evidence to support the argument. There are other serious issues that need attention from the State officials such as our city schools need good care, veterans need a home, people need a good health care plans. But why our government is trying to solve the problem that never existed? The article also mentions that “proponents of the bill have defended the legislation, saying it will increase privacy and safety and keep men out of women’s bathrooms.” Why someone has to feel insecure from the transgender people?  This is just an illegal discrimination and a fundamental misunderstanding of transgender individuals. This bill will do more harm than good if people agree to isolate the transgender community.

I agree with the author that a Bathroom Bill is just an act of discriminating people and their values. It is embarrassing to know the priorities of our Texas government. No matter what kind of bills will be passed, it is our duty to treat everyone equal.