Tuesday, April 25, 2017

stage 7 : Original Editorial # 2

In my last blog, I mentioned about the Senate Bill 3, a legislation which creates two programs subsidizing private school tuition and home schooling expenses. I was sad to know about the bill and how the bill is going to affect the people. But today after reading this article, I feel good to know that Texas House passed Public School Finance Reform Bill (HB 21), which provides $1.6 billion in additional resources for education while making several improvements to the state’s public school finance formulas.

HB 21 has lots of benefits and changes that will improve the funding system in Texas public school. The modifications made in the bill will effectively increase funding for more than 95 percent of school districts and nearly every charter school in the state. The students will be benefited when they are provided more resources to districts to meet the growing demands placed on them.

In addition, HB 21 will also modernizes and simplifies current transportation funding for all districts, increase pay for non-professional staffs, increases the basic allotment in the state budget per student per year, expands career and technical education including many other benefits.

I feel good to know about the bill and I would always want the government to try to do something that makes everyone happy. I hope this bill will improve education across Texas and allow more local dollars to stay in local schools. In that way, everyone can hope people of Texas being educated enough to get the opportunities and expand their knowledge. This step taken by the government shows toward full reform for public schools is appreciated.

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